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Books Glorious Books

Happy New Year everybody !!!!!!

So thought I'd change up the content this week from sport but there are other things in the world and more things I do like hence the name of this blog. So this week as you can tell from the title I would like to talk about books, more specifically my favourite books. So thought I'd split this into 2 blog posts otherwise would be here all day reading this because there are so many books that I love so much. So this week I am going to discuss my 5 favourite stand alones and then next week I will be discussing my 5 favourite series.

Billy and Me by Giovanna Fletcher

This book is about a girl called Sophie and how her life gets turned upside down when she falls in love with a famous actor and how they deal with the craziness that ensues after. I LOVE this book so much it's a proper. It's adorable, heart breaking and so heart warming. You will cry that's all I'm going to say and I still cry now even though I have read it so many times. There are flaws with it which I accept but this was Gi's debut novel and I think it's beautifully written and there's so much character development especially with the main character Sophie. I recommended this book as a holiday read to my best friend and she loves it as much as I do. I am incredibly excited that Gi is currently writing another book involving these characters I can't wait to jump back into this story I am so emotionally invested in these characters. I love all of Gi's books and novellas and encourage you all to read them but this is my favourite book ever which is why it is number one on this list.

The Royal We by Heather Cocks

Another girly book on this list this is a book about an American girl who comes over to England to study at Oxford and ends up falling in love with a Prince of England and how the twists and turns of their relationship over a number of years before they get married and her struggles of being accepted into his society. I think this started off as Kate Middleton fan fiction I'm not to sure. Once again another book with a lot of flaws but I enjoyed reading this book because I liked the relationship between the main character Bex and Prince Nicholas because it had relatable normal couple situations and issues in it and it wasn't just a straight forward romance and there are little twists in this book that cause all sort of havoc which also made it very enjoyable.

Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover

Last chick lit book on this list I promise, this book is about a girl called Tate who moves away to go live with her brother who is an airline pilot on her arrive to his flat she finds one of his friends Miles passed out drunk in front of the door. After this they embark on a no strings attached fling because Miles doesn't do love for a very heart breaking reason, however things are not as easy as it seems with him sending Tate mixed signals and her falling for him more and more it gets very complicated. I did not realise how emotional this book would be on the surface it seems like the cliché sexy book but it has a more emotional underlining which is pieced together throughout the book. Again flaws I accept but the emotion of this book gripped me so much that I read it in one sitting and I am very interested to see how it will be as movie when it comes out soon.

The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern

This book has mystery, romance, a lot of magic and good writing. This is all about two magicians who are competing against each other in this "game" and they are playing this game through a circus, The Night Circus, as with everything book nothing turns out the way it should and these 2 magicians fall in love and it all escalates from there. This book has beautiful descriptive writing in it and really interesting characters who all play their own little part which affects the bigger picture in this book. It has a few twists in it and the ending is beautiful however slow in some parts because of the description and it does require a lot of focus to keep up with what is going on, if willing I think should give this book a go because I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn

Now we are onto the last book in this list and possibly the most well known of the 5 books. If you haven't read this then it's a psychological thriller about a women who goes missing and her husband gets accused of murdering her from family, friends and the media. However there is a lot more at play than what it seems. This has so many twists and unexpected actions which makes it a compelling read and explains why it is so popular and why so many people have read it. In my opinion though this is a one time read because once you have read it you aren't as surprised at various things as you will be the first time you read it.

I hope you have found this interesting to read and next week I will have my top 5 favourite book series.

Loves and Hugs xx



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