To celebrate the release of the 5th and final Pirates of the Caribbean film coming out at the end of this month, I thought I'd do a post on why this film series will always hold a very special and sentimental piece of my heart.
The first film Curse of the Black Pearl came out in 2003 and I didn't see it as I was only 9 years old at the time and was too scared of it from the trailer to see it. Cut to 3 years later to 2006, I was 12 years old and the second film Dead Man's Chest came out and I went to see it with my friends as it was one of their birthdays and I fell completely obsessively in love with this film as you do when you are 12 years old. I particularly fell in love with Orlando Bloom as Will Turner in all honesty. I ended up seeing this film 2-3 times and as me and my friends loved this film so much because also one was obsessed with Johnny Depp as well. Not long after this I watched the first one and it just reaffirmed a love I had for it. I remember on a school trip that year buying from what must have been a Disney Store in France a set of Pirates of the Caribbean badges, which I found in a room clear out the other week which bought back a lot of happy memories for me. We loved these films so much I remember me and my friend pretending to dress up as pirates and we would always quote the films to each other as well. A year later in 2007 World's End came out and obviously me and my friends went to see it and we loved it, I remember being so upset that Will "died" and became Dutchman Captain. I was content with it being just them three films which I loved so much. I didn't see the fourth film Stranger Tides which came out in 2011 until a year or so ago because I knew it wasn't the same as the original three. The reason why I am so unbelievably excited about this film Salazar's Revenge is because it seems to have gone back to it's roots as in we have Henry Turner the son of Will and Elizabeth who we saw stood with his mother awaiting his father's return in the credits scene in At World's End. We get to see both Will and Elizabeth again which makes me heart soar, I feel like this is going to be a proper ending to a film franchise that I grew up with and I am very sad it is properly ending.
I love this film franchise so much because it brings back happy childhood memories that I shared with people who I am still friends with today and I don't think it will ever stop being something special and sentimental to me. I cannot wait for the finale of this series and seeing all the old faces again and I'm curious to see what is going to happen. I will forever fangirl about this and me and my friends still reminisce about the times we spent around this film.
Pirates of the Caribbean: Salazar's Revenge is out on the 25th May
Hope you enjoyed this, until next time
Stacey x
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