I cannot believe it is 2018 already but I hope people are enjoying the year so far. I wasn't going to do a post about my resolutions, goals, aims whatever you want to call them but I have really enjoyed reading other peoples so I decided to do my only little list of things I want to do this year.
I suffer from the fear of missing out so much and this year I want to kick that feeling because it has been getting me down too much recently and I just get depressed about why I can't do this or that because I have friends who get to do amazing things and I want to do it too. I need to learn to not give a shit basically because I have different circumstances to others and I have different priorities, I may eventually do the things they are experiencing all I might never do it. I need to lean this doesn't matter life is not a competition of trying to outdo each other. I am lucky in what I can do and I should think about the amazing things I am doing and have planned to do. For example this year I was invited by a friend to go to Disneyland Paris in June for a week but I am not because instead I am going to Corfu for 10 days in August instead and that will be incredible but I told myself Disney will always be there and I will never get the chance to go to Corfu again because life gets really serious. So yeah that is my aim just stop having FOMO it doesn't matter.
So I have been writing this blog for about two years and I have fallen out of love with it at some points and also I changed to a full time job last year which takes up my time now so that is why posts on here have been very sporadic. I want to make an effort to talk about different things and I have some things planned that are blog worthy and I cannot wait to share. As usual it will be a mix of mainly Disney and other things that I am doing and me documenting various things. I don't look at numbers or anything like that I just upload and people can read if they want.
In a nutshell I need to learn to drive now, I don't really want to but now I am getting a bit fed up of my parents having to chauffeur me around like to work and back and I think my life would just be so much easier if I could drive. So now I've written it down and put it out there I might actually have a go and book a lesson. Also I really want a Fiat 500 so I can't have one if I cannot drive.
Move Out
Another big change I hope can happen this year is that I can move out of home. Me and Darren want to live together and I think this year is finally the year we save up and do that. We want either a one or two bedroom flat in Birmingham depending on what we can find compared to our budget. I have already started to collect some homeware stuff for when we move out so we don't have to worry about small niggly things. Yes these things are Disney themed but I am not sharing anything until we have moved and I can show them in there full glory.
I need to manage my time a lot better than I already do, I work full time and that includes some Saturdays which is fine but I have been a bit too accommodating to others recently and need to think about myself and spending time with my family and with Darren a lot more and getting things done that need to be done. I also need to think about myself and giving myself some headspace where I can take a step back and relax.
I hope that was interesting, I had a good 2017 and I hope 2018 will be good as well.
Until next time
Stacey x
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