I love reading, always have done and throughout the years I have had ups and downs with my reading. Some years I have read loads and others I've not hit my reading goals. Like a lot of people I use Goodreads to track my reading and setting my reading goals every year as well as having a reading journal which I bought from Paperchase a few years ago. I thought I would share what I read every month and my thoughts and feeling, as well as what books I'm considering to read next and what I'm currently reading at the time. I originally set my reading goal to 15 books at the beginning of the year and since then I've increased it to 20 and most recently 25. I'm currently on 20 books and will most likely hit my target of 25 so I will then most likely increase the goal again. August Wrap Up Queenie by Candice Carty-Williams 3/5 Queenie Jenkins is a 25-year-old Jamaican British woman living in London, straddling two cultures and slotting neatly into neither. She works at a...